National solidarity actions for striking Sobeys workers huge success
Over a dozen solidarity actions took place on Saturday. Further impactful actions planned for January 6.
Over a dozen solidarity actions took place on Saturday. Further impactful actions planned for January 6.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour and Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council announced actions to support the workers striking at Sobeys Pete’s Frootique.
200 community members rally in the cold and rain to support strikers.
They believe there’s a way forward. Forming a Union.
Second community solidarity rally taking place this Saturday. Join us at 1 pm!
Second community solidarity rally taking place this Saturday. Join us at 1 pm!
The strike is scheduled to start on Nov 18 and a solidarity rally will take place Sunday from 1-2 pm .
The strike is scheduled to start on Nov 18 and a solidarity rally will take place Sunday from 1-2 pm .
SEIU Local 2’s Branch 244 Executive Board met recently to discuss important topics coming up in 2024.
A vote was held on Sunday November 5th and an overwhelming 98% voted to strike. Workers will be in a position to start the strike later this month.