we do

The work of the union generally falls under these four categories


Negotiate Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) to improve working conditions and compensation for members.

Enforce CBAs and labour law, represent members in arbitration and Human Rights tribunals

Process grievances, help members injured at the job win compensation, and more.


Help working families transform their jobs into good and decent work.

Increase union density to give members more bargaining power and the ability to raise standards in our sectors.

Increase the base of organized workers for broader social justice work and more.

Education & Training

Help members understand their CBA, labour law and health & safety rights and obligations.

Train stewards to better enforce the CBA at the workplace.

Train workers to help lead co- workers and community members in struggles for justice.

Activism & Political Action

Identify opportunities to involve members in broad social justice issues.

Lobby for laws that are beneficial to and support working people.

Organize and support rallies and other events, and more.