Members at Pete’s Frootique Make Improvements in First Contract
Yearly wage increases, improved vacation pay, paid sick days, and more.
Yearly wage increases, improved vacation pay, paid sick days, and more.
Pete's Frootique workers ratify first collective agreement. January 6 Actions cancelled.
Over a dozen solidarity actions took place on Saturday. Further impactful actions planned for January 6.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour and Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council announced actions to support the workers striking at Sobeys Pete’s Frootique.
200 community members rally in the cold and rain to support strikers.
Second community solidarity rally taking place this Saturday. Join us at 1 pm!
Second community solidarity rally taking place this Saturday. Join us at 1 pm!
The strike is scheduled to start on Nov 18 and a solidarity rally will take place Sunday from 1-2 pm .
The strike is scheduled to start on Nov 18 and a solidarity rally will take place Sunday from 1-2 pm .
A vote was held on Sunday November 5th and an overwhelming 98% voted to strike. Workers will be in a position to start the strike later this month.